Springtime is here, and before you know it Summer will be here as well. With the warmer weather about to hit us in full force, it’s important that our homes are able to withstand the changes that come with it. Keeping up with home maintenance is always a good thing, but there are certain things you should do to make sure your house is in tip-top shape depending on the time of year and where you’re located. With summertime so close, let’s take a look at a few great summertime home maintenance tips.


Stop The Bugs!

Summertime means spending more time outside, which means you’ll want to keep your yard free of those pesky insects. One simple way to keep them away is to spray around the perimeter of your yard and your home. You can also use a combination of bug spray and door and window treatments to keep them away. Since so many pests tend to wake up in the summertime, you may want to consider recaulking your doors and windows to make sure the bugs don’t get into your home as well.


Power Wash Time!

One of the easiest things to do during your summertime home maintenance is using a pressure washer to clean areas such as your driveway, patio, or deck. After giving these areas a full inspection, you can then wash away all of the dirt and grime that have accumulated over the past year. You can rent a pressure washer for around $40 a day at a local home improvement store if you don’t own one.


Prep The Grill

Before you start preparing your grill for the summer season, you’ll want to make sure it’s sanitary after a year of just sitting around. For gas grills, you can heat it up for around 20 minutes and then scrub the outer surface with a grill brush. For charcoal grills, you can use a bucket of hot water and a sponge to get rid of any debris that’s blocking the hoses. Also, make sure that the grill is placed away from any flammable objects.


Wash Windows and Replace Screens

Getting your windows cleaned isn’t enough if you don’t also wash their screens. To get the job done, remove the old screens and use hot water to scrub them.

If your screens are too dirty to be cleaned, you might want to replace them. While you’re at it, inspect your doors and windows to make sure they’re properly sealed. Doing so will keep the cool air in your home and keep the warm air out.